
Dresner Group Blog

Our technology blogs feature IT tips and best practices for businesses in Columbia, Baltimore, and Bel Air.

Tip of the Week: How to Create Multiple Google Calendars

Tip of the Week: How to Create Multiple Google Calendars

Your Google Calendar can be a gateway to productivity when it’s set up appropriately, and one way you can do so is to implement additional calendars to help you manage your day-to-day obligations. Let’s go over why you might consider using multiple Google calendars and how you can set them all up.

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Tip of the Week: Complex Password Practices

Tip of the Week: Complex Password Practices

With more people depending on technology, it stands to reason that there are more scams out there than ever before. The individuals (and groups) responsible will look for and exploit any vulnerability to attack your employees in order to get at your business’ critical data. Let’s take a look at a couple of tips that you can use to keep your passwords strong and your password-protected accounts secure. 

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Tip of the Week: Resize Rows in Excel

Tip of the Week: Resize Rows in Excel

Microsoft Excel is an amazing tool that gives you a ton of power over your spreadsheets and the data contained within, but the default size of each cell is a bit… small. You can adjust the size of these cells to suit your needs by adjusting the width and height of each column and row. Better yet, you can easily do it all at the same time without resizing each individual cell. Here’s how it’s done.

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Tip of the Week: Improving Business Productivity in Five Ways

Tip of the Week: Improving Business Productivity in Five Ways

“Improving productivity” is far from an unheard goal among business owners. What is less common, unfortunately, is a strategic plan to actually do it. We wanted to help, so we’ve assembled five strategies that can help improve productivity in the modern workplace.

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Tip of the Week: Four Technologies to Boost Your Business’ Success

Tip of the Week: Four Technologies to Boost Your Business’ Success

It shouldn’t be any surprise to hear us say it, but technology is one of the most effective means of supporting your business and its processes. Let’s dive into this idea and share a few tips that you can use to directly drive your business forward.

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Using Virtual Desktops in Windows 11

Using Virtual Desktops in Windows 11

More often than not, productivity is about getting right to work, with no distractions. One of the ways you can be more productive in the workplace is through the use of multiple desktops, something which can help you navigate multiple different tasks as you go about your day. Virtual desktops are something that even the average employee can use to improve productivity, and the features are available in Windows 11.

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Tip of the Week: Setting Up a New Router

Tip of the Week: Setting Up a New Router

Back in the early days of wireless Internet connectivity, setting up your router was a challenge. Fortunately, this is no longer the case, and it’s a pretty simple process. However, that is not to say that there aren’t better ways of doing things as compared to others. Let’s go over a few things that you’ll want to address as you’re setting up your wireless router.

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Tip of the Week: Unfollowing a Facebook Contact

Tip of the Week: Unfollowing a Facebook Contact

Social media can be difficult to navigate due to how overstimulating it can be. Sometimes it is beneficial to unfollow people or pages that are either no longer relevant to you or are not doing anything for your mental health. To help you detox your social media feed a little bit, let’s discuss how you can unfollow someone on Facebook.

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Tip of the Week: Merge Your Contacts in Android

Tip of the Week: Merge Your Contacts in Android

How organized are your contacts stored in your Android smartphone? Chances are that, as a business professional, you might have several duplicate contacts in your phone, some from just asking for peoples’ contact information, some imported from your email application, and others from who knows where. Let’s discuss how you can merge duplicate contacts into one entry in your contact application, making for a much more organized list.

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Tip of the Week: How to See Your Current Spreadsheet Changes in Excel

Tip of the Week: How to See Your Current Spreadsheet Changes in Excel

Collaboration is a key component of a successful business model, and with so many cloud solutions offering the ability to collaborate in real-time, it’s easy to forget about the old tried-and-true desktop solutions as productivity platforms. Sure, you can see changes in real-time in the cloud-based version of Excel, but did you know that you can also see changes made in a spreadsheet over a period of time in the app itself?

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Tip of the Week: Improve LinkedIn Privacy

Tip of the Week: Improve LinkedIn Privacy

Have you ever received an email notification that someone has checked out your LinkedIn profile? While you might be flattered in the moment, you might then suddenly notice that LinkedIn is doing the same thing to you, telling others when you have looked at their profile. While this isn’t always a bad thing, and can even be good for networking, you might want to adjust this setting so that your privacy can be maintained a bit better.

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Tip of the Week: Translating a Gmail Message

Tip of the Week: Translating a Gmail Message

There are times when you might receive an email written in another language. Even if it’s unlikely, it helps to be able to translate a message for the rare time when you might receive one, particularly if your organization occasionally conducts business beyond your country’s borders. Let’s go over how you can use Gmail’s built-in translation functionality.

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Tip of the Week: Adjust Your Screen Size in Android

Tip of the Week: Adjust Your Screen Size in Android

Sometimes you just want to look at your phone without squinting at the screen to read small text. In cases like this, you can change the display size of your Android’s screen. To get started, simply follow the directions in this blog article. Before you know it, you’ll be browsing your phone without having to strain your eyes.

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Clearing an Android Device’s Cache

Clearing an Android Device’s Cache

While you’re using your device, it will store data in a temporary location called the cache. In order for your device to operate as well as it can, you might find yourself in need of a good ol’ cache-clearing. You can do this on the device level and on the application level. Let’s take a look at how you can do this for your Android device.

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Tip of the Week: How to Hide or Remove Desktop Icons

Tip of the Week: How to Hide or Remove Desktop Icons

Your Windows desktop can often get cluttered with icons, so it is helpful to have the ability to show or hide them so you can keep your focus on the task at hand. Let’s discuss how you can do this with your Windows PC.

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Tip of the Week: Useful Google Chrome Shortcuts

Tip of the Week: Useful Google Chrome Shortcuts

We know that time is of the essence, especially in today’s fast-paced work environment. To help you fully leverage the technology at your disposal, we recommend that you read through this list of Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts and take them to heart. You never know when they might come in handy.

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Tip of the Week: Turning Off Focused Inbox

Tip of the Week: Turning Off Focused Inbox

For Microsoft Outlook users, you’ll notice that there is a feature called Focused Inbox which groups together all of the important messages you receive while placing all of the less important ones in the Other inbox. If you don’t like this feature and want to change it, we have just the tip for you.

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Tip of the Week: Alter Your Download Location in Chrome

Tip of the Week: Alter Your Download Location in Chrome

Normally when you download a file from the Internet, it can be found in the Downloads folder. There are ways you can adjust this setting, though. You might not mind them going to Downloads for a short while, but there are other locations you might consider sending your files, like where they might actually belong. You can change the default location of your downloaded files to take one small step out of the process. We’ll show you how to do it with your Google Chrome web browser.

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Tip of the Week: Explaining Excel Formulas

Tip of the Week: Explaining Excel Formulas

Just under its surface, Microsoft Excel offers a massive variety of functions and features…far more than we could ever realistically cover in this blog. However, there are a few that stand out as relatively essential, particularly to businesses. Let’s go through these functions, starting with how to use them.

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Avoid MFA Fatigue Attacks by Minimizing Notifications

Avoid MFA Fatigue Attacks by Minimizing Notifications

While we strongly recommend that you put the security safeguard known as multi-factor authentication in place wherever it is available, it is important that we acknowledge that cybercriminals are frustratingly inventive. So much so, in fact, that a new form of attack has been developed to take advantage of MFA, referred to as MFA fatigue.

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