Network Security and 24/7 Active Monitoring
Proper IT Security Isn’t a Luxury for Larger Businesses
Just like today’s most advanced productivity tools are accessible to businesses of any size, the security needed to protect your business’ assets is now just as available to small and medium-sized businesses. We’ll be there to help you ensure your continued security against numerous threats.
Your Data is Worth Protecting
Data is literally the fuel that allows your business to run, which makes it invaluable to you and in your best interest to protect. We can help you do so, implementing things like firewalls and access control measures to keep threats out, intrusion detection to inform you if any get in, and encryption to help minimize the impact that data breaches can have by rendering your data illegible.
Prevent Threats and Stay Compliant
You need to ensure your business is protected against obstacles of all kinds, malware and compliance issues included. We offer a variety of security services and defensive measures to help you on both fronts.
Real-time Monitoring
We’ll keep watch over your business’ network, analyzing its traffic to proactively mitigate potential threats through comprehensive intrusion detection and log file analysis. Under our watchful eye, cybercriminals attempting to target your business will have their work cut out for them.
Incident Response and Management
If the worst should happen, we’ll be there to catch it and fully document it, guiding you through your response to the incident and completing a forensic investigation to identify how the threat got in. While avoiding these kinds of incidents is our ultimate goal, we’ll be here in case something slips by.
Threat Intelligence
When it comes to protecting your business, proactivity is the name of the game. Our team keeps apprised of threat intelligence analysis, monitoring these feeds and sharing security information with other organizations to understand what cyberthreats currently pose your business with risks. By seeking out these issues proactively, we’re better able to protect your business and its ongoing success from these kinds of threats.
Trust Dresner to Protect Your Network with Today’s Security Tools
Reach out to our team today to learn more about our comprehensive network security tools and protections. Give us a call at (410) 531-6727.

Free Consultation
We don’t believe in strong-arm sales techniques or pushy sales people, but we do love talking shop with local business owners. Contact us for a free consultation to see how we can help you.