
Dresner Group Blog

Our technology blogs feature IT tips and best practices for businesses in Columbia, Baltimore, and Bel Air.

Tip of the Week: Chrome Tips to Save You Time (and Energy)

Tip of the Week: Chrome Tips to Save You Time (and Energy)

It’s no secret that Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers in the world, if not the most popular. Still, most people don’t use the browser to its full potential, and they leave so many wasted opportunities to save time and resources on the table. Today, we want to highlight some of these tips, but also a couple of features that perhaps you didn’t know existed for Google Chrome so you can continue to get more value out of it as a business and productivity tool.

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Using Your Browser’s Password Manager Is Poor Security Protocol

Using Your Browser’s Password Manager Is Poor Security Protocol

Many web browsers, like Google Chrome, have features that allow for convenient password-keeping, but at the cost of considerable cybersecurity risks. We recommend that all businesses utilize a password management tool, but preferably not one that is built into a web browser. Why? We’re glad you asked!

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What Are Browser Cookies, Anyways?


What do a bakery and a web browser have in common? Both have cookies—but, what are browser cookies, and what do they do? Let’s take a few moments to explore the concept of the browser cookie and what their function is.

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Browser Privacy Settings that You Should Know

Browser Privacy Settings that You Should Know

You’d be hard-pressed to find a business that doesn’t rely on the Internet in some way, and everyone uses web browsers as a method of interfacing with the Internet. These browsers, however, are not necessarily the most secure applications by default. With some adjustments to the features, you too can optimize security and privacy when using your preferred web browser.

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Tip of the Week: Is Browser-Based Password Management Safe to Use?

Tip of the Week: Is Browser-Based Password Management Safe to Use?

Passwords are quite literally everywhere nowadays. With so much of modern life now controlled or held within user accounts, keeping your passwords both secure and straight in your head is crucial. Many web browsers now offer some built-in password management utility to help make this process more convenient for the user, but is this option available at the cost of security?

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Watch Out for Malicious Browser Extensions

Watch Out for Malicious Browser Extensions

Browser extensions are nifty little programs that can be implemented into your web browser itself, adding onto its capabilities and utility… at least, that’s the concept. Unfortunately, these programs also give cybercriminals a means of secretly launching an attack. The security firm Avast recently identified 28 such third-party extensions that have been installed—according to the download numbers, at least—by about three million people on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge combined.

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Chrome Adds Color Coded Tabs and We’re So Thankful

Chrome Adds Color Coded Tabs and We’re So Thankful

Google Chrome is adding a cool feature over the next week or so (it may already have been released for you). The next feature is sure to make a big difference for some and will be non-descript for others. Let’s unpack colorful tabs in Google Chrome.

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Tip of the Week: Keyboard Shortcuts for Convenient Browsing

Tip of the Week: Keyboard Shortcuts for Convenient Browsing

With its all-purpose functionality really coming to the forefront in the office, your Internet browser is likely one of your most used computer programs. Considering that so much of your time is spent using the Internet, we thought it would make sense to share a few shortcuts to make it more efficient for you.

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Which Browser is Best for Your Needs?

Which Browser is Best for Your Needs?

There are a variety of web browsers out there, and that variety is much larger than most people think. While most can list off the main ones: Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox, there are many more to consider. However, the real question remains: which one is best for you?

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Know Your Tech: Breadcrumbs

Know Your Tech: Breadcrumbs

A trail of breadcrumbs can be a useful thing, whether you’re using it like Hansel and Gretel to find their way back home, or you’re using it in computing to find your way back to a page you were previously on. Today’s tech term is dedicated to the latter.

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Tech Term: Cookies Defined

Tech Term: Cookies Defined

Chances are, if you’ve spent any amount of time around a computer, you’ve heard of browser cookies. What you may not have heard, is what these cookies do. For today’s Tech Term, we’ll explore what cookies are, and what they do.

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Tip of the Week: Browser Security 2018

Tip of the Week: Browser Security 2018

The Internet browser is one of the most utilized applications on most computers. With so many complex and aggressive issues popping up on the Internet it would be useful to know which of today’s most utilized browsers are best at keeping your computing network free from threats. Today we will take a look at each of the five most utilized web browsers to find out which is the most reliable and secure for your business to use.

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