
Dresner Group Blog

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It’s Important Not to Overdo Things When Working from Home

It’s Important Not to Overdo Things When Working from Home

Contrary to what many might assume, remote work is commonly associated with overwork—employees working longer hours and having difficulties disconnecting from professional life during their personal time. This can have some serious consequences if not offset in some way, so let’s discuss how this can be accomplished.

Overwork is a Serious Issue, Especially for Remote Workers

Recent years have seen a lot of work and workplace-related issues come to the forefront that, quite frankly, this blog isn’t the place to discuss… things like racial imbalances and wage inequality have gotten more attention than ever. However, overwork is a challenge that we can tackle here.

There are many ways that your business could be influenced by the impacts of overwork. Your employees can quickly become burned out, as overworked employees experience anxiety and fatigue, along with physical symptoms like pain, headaches, and vision problems. Remote work can also become detrimental to the communications your employees share with one another… and we can’t forget all the added stress and pressure that the pandemic has brought.

All things considered, it’s no wonder that overworking could ultimately be a detriment to an employee’s overall performance and productivity. So, what can be done to prevent this kind of overworking?

Reducing Overwork in Remote Work

While it isn’t realistic that you can hold each of your employees’ hands throughout their workday (and doing so might result in more than a few HR inquiries), there are things you can do to help reduce how much your employees are held back by the tendency to overwork themselves—starting with your policies in and out of the office.

Encourage Schedules

In the home and in the office alike, adhering to a schedule is an effective way to keep the amount of time an employee commits to work processes in balance with their off-hours. This should include not only the time spent working in terms of keeping to their scheduled work hours, but also as a way to help them establish a routine in their personal life that helps them better prepare for their time working.

Track Their Time with Specialized Tools

While time tracking can help keep your team accountable to you, they also help keep them accountable to themselves. Giving them a referenceable way to gauge where they are in their day and their assigned tasks can be of great help. If you need assistance in establishing which of the available time-tracking tools would be best for your needs, we’re always here to provide this help to you.

Empower Your Team to Chime In

If your team members are becoming overwhelmed by their work responsibilities and simply cannot finish all they are assigned in the time available to them, you need to be sure that they know they can come to you to inform you of this. They also need to be comfortable doing so, so operational issues can be resolved as they are revealed.

If you are in need of the tools that can help encourage your team’s success, Dresner Group can help. Give us a call at (410) 531-6727 today.

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